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[아무 관련이 없어] 영어표현 3 기똥찬 데일리 영어회화 오늘의 TOPIC은"아무 관련이 없어요" 영어로 배워봅시다.오늘하루도 화이팅 영어하세요! 1. I have nothing to do with this. 난 이 일과 아무 관련이 없어. 2. He has something to do with this case. 그는 이 사건과 관련이 있어요. 3. Time is relevant. 시간이 관련있어요 Photo by sam-manns-V5Owjg-ZNto-unsplash.jpg on Unsplash 다음 영어표현 바로가기[이게 먼저야,우선이야] 영어표현 3 // [빵터지다] 영어표현 3 더보기
[이게 먼저야,우선이야] 영어표현 3 기똥찬 데일리 영어회화 오늘의 TOPIC은[ 이게 먼저야 ]오늘하루도 화이팅 영어하세요! 1. It comes first. 그게 먼저야. 2. Health comes after wealth. 건강이 부 보다 우선이지. 3. It will be given priority. 그것에 우선순위가 주어질 거야. Photo by 2 Bro’s Media on Unsplash 다음 영어표현 바로가기 [대박인데.?] 영어표현3 // [아무 관련이 없어] 영어표현 3 더보기
[대박인데.?] 영어표현3 [1]기똥찬 데일리 영어회화 오늘의 TOPIC!"대박이야. 잭팟이로구나~"를 영어로 말해봅시다! 오늘하루도 화이팅, 글슈쌤 영어하세요! 1. Wow, it's amazing. 와~, 이거 멋지다. (대박인데?) 2. This album is dope. 이 앨범 대박인데. 3. You hit the jackpot. 너 대박 터트렸구나. dope 미국식 듣기 영국식 듣기 웹수집 단어장 저장형용사 신조어 멋진, 알맞은, 좋은by https://en.dict.naver.com/#/search?range=all&query=dope Photo by Alex Motoc on Unsplash 다음 영어표현 바로가기 [이게 먼저야,우선이야] 영어표현 3 // [아무 관련이 없어] 영어표현 3 더보기
"저는 금수저로 태어났습니다" 출처:[포크포크 : 힘들다고 하지마세요. 9명은 관심없고, 1명은 기뻐할 거에요"] 더보기
강남대치365 - 직장동료에게 긍정적인 피드백을 어떻게 줄 것인가? (영자신문) How to Provide Positive Feedback to Your ColleaguesDavid Carpenter ( m )Lifelong entrepreneur and business owner helping others to realize the American Dream of business ownership Read full profile Share Pin it Tweet Share Email Most of us are familiar with the dreaded “yearly review.” It’s oftentimes viewed as little more than a paperwork requirement for the HR department, but that’s too bad, b.. 더보기
영어논술대비 - 자신감 상승법 5 5 Steps to Building Confidence That Is Unshakeable Awilda Rivera ( H ) Share Pin it Tweet Share Email Ayn Rand wisely said,“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.”Building confidence is not about ability; it’s about belief. As evidenced by Rand’s quote above, a healthy sense of belief in oneself can go a long way (오래지속되다).Belief and confidence are like the chick.. 더보기
역경을 극복하는 5가지 방법 5 Powerful Tips for Overcoming AdversityAshley ElizabethPsychologist and Motivational Speaker Read full profile Share Pin it Tweet Share Email When something bad happens in your life, how do you react? Do you approach the process of overcoming adversity as a learning opportunity, or do you let it throw you off your game?Whether it’s an accident, the loss of a loved one, or mental illness, advers.. 더보기
사회적 목표 -선한영향력 [라이프핵] How to Create Social Goals to Make an Impact in the WorldLeon Ho (m)Founder & CEO of Lifehack Read full profile Share Pin it Tweet Share Email As you pursue personal success, you need to bear in mind that you owe it as a duty to humanity to make the world a better place — to touch lives, preserve nature, and contribute your quota to help fight the world’s social problems, such as poverty, hunger.. 더보기